Sources To Buy The Original Absinthe

An Absinthe that has an original, genuine, vintage pre ban flavor is searched by number of people. We must try to find the answer to the question “Where can I buy the original Absinthe”?” by looking at some Absinthes which are based on historical recipes and that use traditional distilling techniques:-

– La Boheme Absinthe Original – This Absinthe is distilled in the Czech Republic, a country known for its Absinthes, and is made from a 200 year old Swiss recipe. It has proved itself to be the finest quality Absinthe. Enough description has been given at

– One can go through the Jade Collection of Absinthes by Ted Breaux. Ted Breaux was used to preparing vintage style Absinthes. He used the information of ingredients and thujone levels on the vintage bottles to distill vintage style Absinthes in Saumur, France, using 19th century alambics and traditional techniques. His collection includes a classic Pernod Fils style Absinthe, a Swiss green Absinthe, a clear La Bleue style Absinthe and an Edouard Pernod inspired Absinthe. The Jade collection Absinthes was rewarded several times.

– Absinthe Roquette 1797 – This Absinthe is named after the horse of Dr Pierre Ordinaire, legendary creator of Absinthe. Being based on an original 18th centruy Absinthe it is distilled in Pontarlier, in 19th century alambics.

The preparation of Doubs Mystique “Carte d’Or Absinthe” is done by using traditional methods and ingredients.

In Couvet, Switzerland, Guadentia Persoz manufactured La Ptite Absinthe based on a 1898 real Absinthe recipe. Persoz got this recipe together with an alambic when she moved into her house in Couvet.

In Couvet the distillation of La Clandestine Absinthe is done. La Clandestine is based on traditional La Bleue recipes using classic Absinthe herbs and alpine plants.

Absinthe Duplais – A verte Absinthe which is based on 19th century Swiss Absinthe protocols from a manual written by P.Duplais. Switzerland is the place where it is distilled.

The preparation of the Absinthe Brevans Absinthe is based on a recipe from 1897 and on a historical manual written by Brevans.

Lucid – By Viridian Spirits and Ted Breaux. The manufacturing of this Absinthe was done particularly for the American market. Although the USA has strict rules for thujone but this Absinthe has been legalized in the USA. Traditional recipes and techniques were used by Breaux in the preparation of this Absinthe.

To get the answer of the question “Where Can I Buy the Original Absinthe” one can see the information given above?

From online companies like TheDrinkShop.One can visit com or absintheclassics.Local liquor store may stock them or one can get them by an order.

In your search for quality Absinthe, you may also come across absinthe kits to make your very own Absinthe at home. Only an Absinthe flavored drink can be prepared from some kits as they do not involve distilling. sell Absinthe essences, through their web shop, which are already distilled and are made from the finest traditional Absinthe herbs. They make 4 different varieties, including a “strong” essence which contains a higher quantity of thujone. 20ml essence is needed to make 750ml of Absinthe whereas with a kit one can make 14 bottles of Absinthe. One will have to give $3 for a 20ml bottle.The cost of the 95 and a kit is $29. An original tasting Absinthe can be enjoyed economically by applying this.

The answers of the question “where can I buy the original Absinthe” can be found in this information.